During the Last Week of the Year

About NextAfter   

NextAfter is an online fundraising research lab and consultancy that works alongside nonprofits to develop research as to why their donors give and put those learnings into practice to help them reach more people, acquire more donors, and generate more dollars to fund their world-changing work. 

© 2020 NextAfter. All Rights Reserved.   

5810 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 102,  Plano, TX 75024 


The final week of the year can bring in upwards of 37% of your total online year-end fundraising revenue. But to see this kind of result, you have to have the right strategy.

Get a Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Last-Week-Of-The-Year Revenue

Whether you've started your year-end fundraising campaign or not, this guide will equip you with field-tested and proven strategies to maximize donations during the biggest giving week of the entire year. 

  • In part 1, you'll learn 5 specific tactics you can implement to maximize donations from your existing web traffic.

  • In part 2, you'll get a 3-email timeline with complete instructions on when to email your donors and what to say during the final year-end stretch.

  • In part 3, you'll find 5 tested and proven ways to increase donations and revenue on your year-end donation page during the last week.

Where should we send your free year-end guide?

What fundraisers say about NextAfter resources:

"What I like about your materials is that you really understand development and how it works and the importance of the relationship and getting the most out of every encounter."

- Margaret, Layne Consulting

"Honestly- no other organization nails the everyday issues/tips/experiences of the fundraising shop like NextAfter. I really, really appreciate the work that goes into your findings as it is SO helpful for us in the digital fundraising field. Keep up the great work!"

- Anna, Lakehead University

Get your free, comprehensive guide to help you maximize your online revenue during the last week of the year. Just tell us where to send your free guide using the form below. 

Maximize Your Online Fundraising Revenue

Many nonprofits focus tons of their year-end efforts on Giving Tuesday. However, the data shows that Giving Tuesday is hardly the most important giving day of the season.

In fact, it's not even close.

"I really got a lot from a year-end webinar you guys did at the end of October.

I implemented some of what I learned (especially around the timing of emails), and we have seen a 9.4% increase in our year-end online giving efforts this year.

I’m excited to see what else we can improve this year!"

– Christy Schulte, Make-A-Wish-Foundation

What fundraisers say about NextAfter's year-end resources...

Join 65,000 other fundraisers and get new ideas and strategies to grow online fundraising each week